
Articles about computational science and data science, neuroscience, and open source solutions. Personal stories are filed under Weekend Stories. Browse all topics here. All posts are CC BY-NC-SA licensed unless otherwise stated. Feel free to share, remix, and adapt the content as long as you give appropriate credit and distribute your contributions under the same license.

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Running and testing your Jekyll site locally with custom options

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Developing with Jekyll often requires running your site locally to test changes before deploying them live. Here is a handy yet useful one-line command that I usually use to run my Jekyll site locally with custom options.

Emojis for Jekyll via Jemoji

A how-to and a list of all currently working Emojis on Jekyll built websites.

strftime Cheat Sheet

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Cheat Sheet on formatted date and time strings used, e.g., in Python, C/C++ or even on Jekyll websites by using Liquid tags.

Minimal Mistakes Cheat Sheet

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A quick overview of available commands for creating content with the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme.

Liquid Cheat Sheet

This Cheat Sheet gives an overview of Liquid syntax commands one might encounter while developing a Jekyll website.

How to use LaTeX in Markdown

A quick guide on how to enable MathJax support in your Markdown documents.

Supported syntax highlighting in Jekyll

A list of supported programming languages for Jekyll’s syntax highlighting.

New Teaching Material: LaTeX Guide

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I’ve added a LaTeX guide to the General Teaching Materials in the teaching section. It serves as a Getting started with LaTeX guide and as a LaTeX glossary.

New Teaching Material: Markdown Guide

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I’ve composed a Markdown Guide for my teaching courses.

The Weierstrass function and the beauty of fractals

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Fractals are captivating mathematical objects that exhibit intricate patterns and self-similarity at various scales. In this post, we explore the elegance and significance of the Weierstrass function, its relation to fractals and fractal geometry, and discuss other notable fractals. Through this journey, we will discover the fascinating world of fractal geometry and its beautiful and profound impact.
