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Use your Zettelkasten as a research, thinking and learning tool – Personal knowledge management as a system
In the last part of the series about personal knowledge management, we dive deeper into the Zettelkasten method and demonstrate, how to integrate all parts as an overall system into our research workflow.
Take smart notes with the Zettelkasten method
With the Zettelkasten method by Niklas Luhmann, we give the previously presented personal knowledge network a concrete shape and practical implementation. This is the second of three parts of the series about personal knowledge management.
Don’t take isolated notes, connect them! Vannevar Bush on building a self-organizing network of knowledge
In 1945, Vannevar Bush presented his concept of a self-organizing personal knowledge network by linking informational units with each other. This concept, that would later be known as the Hypertext concept or Hypertext theory, provides the theoretical base of the personal knowledge management system presented in the short series on that topic. This is the first of three parts of that series.
Boost your research with a smart personal knowledge management system
My next posts will be a short series about personal knowledge management and how it can be integrated as a holistic system into our overall research workflow. The system is based on the Hypertext Theory and the Zettelkasten method, and its core element is the personal note-taking process. We go step by step through all parts and see, how we can practically implement them into our daily research work.
Clean Thesis: A simple and elegant LaTeX thesis template
If you’re looking for some inspiration for your thesis, I just came across Clean Thesis by Ricardo Langner, a simple and elegant LaTeX template for thesis documents.
Using Markdown for note-taking
It might be a bit difficult to learn at the beginning, but there are several benefits of taking personal notes in Markdown. Here is why I switched.
Opening a Jupyter notebook from GitHub in Binder: A step-by-step guide
Opening a Jupyter notebook from GitHub in Binder simplifies access to shared code and facilitates seamless collaboration. With just a few steps, you can launch and interact with Jupyter notebooks directly in your browser, without the need for complex setup procedures.
The quickest way to find help for Python commands: The help() command
Python’s built-in help system is probably the fastest way, to quickly look up Python commands and their syntax. It works without leaving your Python environment and is fully offline available.