From liberation to repression: Martin Luther and the peasants’ Revolt

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Martin Luther holds a controversial legacy when it comes to his views on social and political matters. While his theological reforms challenged the dominance of the Catholic Church, his position on the Peasants’ War of 1524-1525 reveals a stark contrast between his religious ideals and his response to social upheaval. Luther’s infamous pamphlet, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants (1525), openly called for the violent suppression of the German peasants, who had revolted against the feudal system. This stance, coupled with his rigid interpretation of authority, has raised significant questions about the moral consistency of his teachings and his relationship with the structures of power.

Title page to Luther's pamphlet against the rebellious peasants, Wider die Mordischen vnd Räubischen Rotten der Bawren, Nürnberg 1525.
Title page to Luther’s pamphlet against the rebellious peasants, Wider die Mordischen vnd Räubischen Rotten der Bawren (“* Against the murderous and robber bands of the Bavarians*”), Nürnberg 1525. Source: Wikimedia Commons (license: public domain)

The context of the Peasants’ War

The Peasants’ War was rooted in deep social and economic discontent among the lower classes in 16th-century Germany. Feudal obligations, rising taxes, and widespread exploitation by the nobility and clergy had created unbearable conditions for many peasants. The ideals of the Reformation, particularly Luther’s emphasis on individual conscience and the priesthood of all believers, resonated with these oppressed communities, inspiring them to demand justice and autonomy.

Map showing the locations of the peasant uprisings and major battles from 1524-1525.
Map showing the locations of the peasant uprisings and major battles from 1524-1525. Source: Wikimedia Commons (license: CC BY-SA 3.0)

In 1524, these frustrations culminated in widespread uprisings, with peasants forming armed bands and issuing demands, such as the famous Twelve Articles. These articles called for an end to serfdom, fair taxation, and greater autonomy in spiritual matters. While these demands were often framed in religious language, they also reflected the broader socio-economic grievances of the time.

Twelve Articles of the Peasants pamphlet of 1525.
Twelve Articles of the Peasants pamphlet of 1525. Source: Wikimedia Commons (license: public domain)

Luther’s initial sympathy

Initially, Luther expressed some sympathy for the peasants’ cause, acknowledging the legitimacy of their grievances. In his earlier writings, he criticized the exploitation of the poor by the nobility and clergy, condemning the corruption and greed that characterized much of the feudal system. His theological emphasis on individual conscience and the accessibility of scripture further emboldened the peasants, who believed they were acting in accordance with divine justice.

However, Luther’s support for the peasants was always limited. While he opposed the abuses of the ruling classes, he also feared social chaos and maintained a deep respect for established authority, which he viewed as divinely ordained. This tension between his theological ideals and his political conservatism would come to a head as the Peasants’ War escalated.

Against the robbing and murdering hordes of peasants

As the rebellion grew more violent, with reports of looting, arson, and the destruction of monasteries, Luther’s tone shifted dramatically. In his 1525 pamphlet, Against the Robbing and Murdering Hordes of Peasants, he denounced the uprising in the strongest possible terms, accusing the peasants of blasphemy and treason. He wrote:

“Let everyone who can, smite, slay, and stab, secretly or openly, remembering that nothing can be more poisonous, hurtful, or devilish than a rebel.” – Martin Luther, Wider die mörderischen und räuberischen Rotten der Bauern (1525)

Luther called on the princes and nobility to suppress the rebellion with brute force, arguing that the peasants had violated both divine and natural law. He justified this violent response by appealing to his interpretation of Romans 13:1-7, which emphasizes submission to governing authorities as ordained by God.

Luther’s understanding of authority

Luther’s theology placed great emphasis on the divine sanction of secular authority. He believed that rulers were appointed by God to maintain order and punish wrongdoing. In his view, rebellion against such authority was not only a political crime but also a spiritual one, as it disrupted the God-given structure of society.

This understanding of authority was deeply conservative, reflecting Luther’s fear of anarchy and his reliance on the protection of the German princes for the survival of his Reformation movement – a very pragmatic and self-preserving stance. By aligning himself with the ruling classes, Luther ensured the continuation of his religious reforms but at the cost of alienating many of his early supporters among the lower classes.

The consequences of Luther’s stance

Luther’s call for violence had devastating consequences. The nobility, emboldened by his rhetoric, responded with brutal repression, slaughtering tens of thousands of peasants and crushing the rebellion. Entire villages were destroyed, and the survivors faced harsh reprisals, including executions, land confiscations, and increased feudal obligations.

Farmer's leader Jäcklein Rohrbach is burned alive in Neckargartach in 1525.
Farmer’s leader Jäcklein Rohrbach is burned alive in Neckargartach in 1525. Jäcklein Rohrbach was a leader of the peasants in the Peasants’ War of 1525. At the beginning of April 1525, the peasants from the Neckar Valley and the Odenwald also gathered under his leadership. At Easter (April 16), the Neckar Valley-Odenwald mob camped near Weinsberg, where Rohrbach had Count Ludwig von Helfenstein and his knights, who were hated by the peasants, run the gauntlet (German: “Spießrutenlauf”, a form of corporal punishment where a person is forced to run between two rows of soldiers who strike him as he passes) on Easter Sunday. The painful death of the nobles by stabbing and beating the peasants went down in the history of the Peasants’ War as the Weinsberg Bloody Deed. It decisively shaped the image of the murdering and plundering peasants and was one of the main reasons why many nobles opposed the peasants’ cause. As punishment, the town of Weinsberg was burnt down and Jäcklein Rohrbach was burnt alive. A similar fate befell the Neckar Valley and Odenwald peasants near Königshofen on June 2 of the same year. Source: Wikimedia Commons (license: public domain)

For the peasants who had looked to Luther as a champion of justice and spiritual equality, his betrayal was a profound disillusionment. The Reformation, which had initially promised liberation from the corruption of the Catholic Church, now seemed complicit in the perpetuation of social inequality and oppression.

The ethical implications

Luther’s response to the Peasants’ War raises significant ethical questions about his legacy. While his theological reforms emphasized individual dignity and spiritual freedom, his political conservatism and endorsement of violence revealed a troubling inconsistency. His reliance on secular authorities to enforce religious and social order undermined the egalitarian ideals that had inspired many of his followers.

Moreover, Luther’s writings set a precedent for the alignment of Protestantism with state power, a dynamic that would shape the development of Christianity in Europe for centuries – and a development that parallels the Catholic Church’s entanglement with secular authority Luther sought to reform. His rigid interpretation of authority and his willingness to sacrifice social justice for the sake of political stability contributed to the entrenchment of hierarchical and oppressive systems.


Martin Luther’s stance during the Peasants’ War exposes the contradictions within his reformist vision. While he championed spiritual equality and opposed the corruption of the Catholic Church, his response to the uprising revealed a deep-seated conservatism that prioritized social stability over justice. His harsh condemnation of the rebels and endorsement of their brutal suppression illustrate the limitations of his reform movement: it sought to reshape religious authority while leaving existing political and social hierarchies intact.

Luther’s alignment with the ruling elite had far-reaching consequences. By advocating submission to secular rulers as divinely ordained, he reinforced structures of power that continued to oppress the lower classes. His rhetoric not only justified the massacre of the peasants but also set the stage for Protestantism’s long-standing entanglement with state authority. This legacy persists in the ways in which religion has been used to legitimize social and political control throughout history.

Luther’s actions beg the question: was the Reformation truly a movement for liberation, or did it merely reinforce existing power structures under a new religious framework? His response to the Peasants’ War reveals a complex personality — one torn between spiritual ideals and a pragmatic desire to maintain order. His justification of violence against the peasantry contradicts Christianity’s self-proclaimed values of compassion and justice, raising doubts about his interpretation of religious duty. Was his faith ultimately shaped by theological conviction, or by an instinctive alignment with authority? This contradiction remains a defining element of his legacy.

References and further reading

  • Martin Luther, Wider die mörderischen und räuberischen Rotten der Bauern, 1525, available online at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and on (both in German)
  • Martin Luther, Tischreden, 1986, Reclam, ISBN: 978-3150012222
  • Karlheinz Deschner, Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums: Bd. 8 Das 15. und 16. Jahrhundert. Vom Exil der Päpste in Avignon bis zum Augsburger Religionsfrieden, 2006, Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, ISBN: 9783499616709
  • Brady, Thomas A., German Histories in the Age of Reformations, 1400-1650 2010, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 978-0521717786
  • Scribner, Robert W. The German Reformation. 2003, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 978-0333665282
  • Tom Scott, Bob Scribner, he German Peasants’ War. 1994, Humanities Press, ISBN: 978-1573925204
  • Dixon, C. Scott, The Reformation in Germany, 2002, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN: 978-0631202530

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