Basic time series analysis

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In this chapter, we learn some basic time series analysis techniques and how to read real world data from a single file and from a batch of files.

Generating a test time series

Before we start to analyse time series, we first have a look on how they are generated. We now construct a very simple time series from scratch with Python.

Create a script including the following commands:

# Create some dummy data:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
       # imports most relevant Matplotlib commands

# create x-values:
dx = 0.1
x_values = np.arange(0, 2*np.pi, dx)

# define parameters:
f1 = 2  # Frequency 1 in Hz
f2 = 10 # Frequency 2 in Hz
A1 = 6 # Amplitude 1
A2 = 2 # Amplitude 2

A_sin = A1 * np.sin(f1 * x_values)
A_cos = A2 * np.cos(f2 * x_values)
A_signal = A_sin + A_cos

# plots:
plt.plot(x_values, A_sin)
plt.plot(x_values, A_cos)
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal, lw=5, c="y")


Now, we add some noise to the signal:

# add some noise:
A_Noise = 2
Noise = np.random.randn(len(x_values)) * A_Noise
A_signal_noisy = A_signal + Noise

plt.plot(x_values, A_signal, lw=5, c="y")
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal_noisy, lw=2, c="r")


Exercise 1

Basing the solution of Exercise 2 from the Data Visualization with Matplotlib chapter in the Python Basics course, copy and modify the appropriate plot commands, in order to plot

  1. A_signal (add the following properties to the plot command: label="Signal", lw=2, c="pink")
  2. A_signal_noisy (add the following properties to the plot command: label="Noisy signal", lw=3, c="lime")

in a single plot window. Don’t forget to annotate your plot with appropriate x- and y-labels, a title, and a legend. Also, save your plot as a PDF.

# Your solution 1 here:


Toggle solution
# Solution 1:

# Plotting:
fig = plt.figure(1)

# the main plot commands:
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal,
         label="Signal", lw=2, c="pink") 
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal_noisy, 
         label="Noisy signal", lw=3, c="lime") 

# axis labels and title:
plt.xlabel("x (distance in radians)")
plt.title("Our first signal")

# shows a legend:
plt.legend(loc="best")          # finalizes the plot
fig.savefig("my_plot2.pdf", dpi=120)

The figure above includes

  • our signal, which is a super-position of actually two prime signals (a sine and a cosine wave with different frequencies and amplitudes)
  • our signal with some random (“background”) noise.

Signal filtering

We will now try to filter our signal in order to

  1. recover the first and the second prime signal, respectively.
  2. apply the same filtering operations to the noisy signal.

Let’s first aplly a so-called butter-worth filter to recover the (lower frequency) sine signal (i.e., we perform low-pass filtering). For this, we use the butter function from the scipy-filter package:

from scipy import signal # put this on top of
                         # your script

# set filter parameters:
fs = x_values.shape[0]  # Sampling frequency
fc = 5  # Cut-off frequency of the filter
w = fc / (fs / 2) # Normalize the frequency
filter_order = 10
# apply the filter function:
b, a = signal.butter(filter_order, w, 'low')

# filtering our signal
A_signal_clean = signal.filtfilt(b, a, A_signal)

plt.plot(x_values, A_signal, label='Signal', c="k")
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal_clean, label='filtered',
         c = "lime", lw=4)
plt.plot(x_values, A_sin, label='Sine', c="blue")
plt.plot(x_values, A_cos, label='Cosine', c="red")


With the defined filter settings we are able to recover the sine-signal from A_signal.

In order to create a corresponding high-pass filter to also recover the high-frequency cosine signal, we would have to repeat all filter relevant commands from above. That’s actually not the way how we should do. Instead, it would be convenient if we would have our own filter-function, so that we don’t have to repeat all these complex steps.

Exercise 2: Construct a filter function

  1. Recap the Function definition chapter from our Python Basics course.
  2. Write a function that performs the low-pass filtering from above. Define the function in this way that the following arguments must be passed as input parameters:
    • sampling_freq for the sampling frequency,
    • cutoff_freq for the cut-off frequency of the filter,
    • filter_order for the filter order, and
    • input_signal for the input signal, that has to be processed
    • kind for the type of the filter to be applied (either low or high)
  3. Apply your newly created function to A_signal, once for low-pass filtering the signal, and once for high-pass filtering it, and add corresponding plotting commands to plot
    • the unimpaired signal A_signal,
    • the high-pass filtered signal (e.g., A_clean1),
    • the low-pass filtered signal (e.g., A_clean2), and
    • a cosine and a sine wave for comparison.
  4. Apply your filter to the noisy signal A_signal_noisy, again both for low- and high-pass filtering the signal. In a new plot window, plot,
    • the noisy signal A_signal_noisy,
    • the high-pass filtered signal (e.g., A_clean1_noisy),
    • the low-pass filtered signal (e.g., A_clean2_noisy), and
    • a cosine and a sine wave for comparison. What do you notice?
# Your solution 2.2 here:

Toggle solution
# Solution 2.2:
def my_filter(sampling_freq, cutoff_freq,
              filter_order, input_signal, kind):
    """ Function for optionally high- or low-pass
        filter a given input signal
        sampling_freq: Sampling frequency
        cutoff_freq:   Cut-off frequency of the filter
        filter_order:  Order of the filter
        input_signal:  Signal to filter
        kind:          "high" or "low"
    fc = cutoff_freq
    fs = sampling_freq
    w = fc / (fs / 2) # Normalize the frequency
    b, a = signal.butter(filter_order, w, kind)
    # filtering the signal
    filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, input_signal)
    return filtered

# Your solution 2.3 here:


Toggle solution
# Solution 2.3:
# Apply the filter function:
A_clean1=my_filter(sampling_freq = x_values.shape[0], 
               cutoff_freq = 5, filter_order = 10,
               input_signal = A_signal, kind = "high")

A_clean2=my_filter(sampling_freq = x_values.shape[0], 
               cutoff_freq = 5, filter_order = 10,
               input_signal = A_signal, kind = "low")
# Plotting:
fig = plt.figure(1)

# the main plot commands:
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal, label='Signal', c="k")
plt.plot(x_values, A_clean1, label='high-pass filtered',
         c = "lime", lw=4)
plt.plot(x_values, A_clean2, label='low-pass filtered',
         c = "pink", lw=4)
plt.plot(x_values, A_sin, label='Sine', c="blue")
plt.plot(x_values, A_cos, label='Cosine', c="red")

# axis labels and title:
plt.xlabel("x (distance in radians)")
plt.title("Filter the signal")

# shows a legend:
plt.legend(loc="best")          # finalizes the plot
fig.savefig("my_plot3.pdf", dpi=120)

# Your solution 2.4 here:


Toggle solution
# Solution 2.4:
A_clean1_noisy=my_filter(sampling_freq = x_values.shape[0], 
               cutoff_freq = 5, filter_order = 10,
               input_signal = A_signal_noisy, 
               kind = "high")

A_clean2_noisy=my_filter(sampling_freq = x_values.shape[0], 
               cutoff_freq = 5, filter_order = 10,
               input_signal = A_signal_noisy, 
               kind = "low")

# Plotting:
fig = plt.figure(1)

# the main plot commands:
plt.plot(x_values, A_signal_noisy, 
         label='Noisy Signal', c="k")
plt.plot(x_values, A_clean1_noisy, label='high-pass filtered',
         c = "lime", lw=4)
plt.plot(x_values, A_clean2_noisy, label='low-pass filtered',
         c = "pink", lw=4)
plt.plot(x_values, A_sin, label='Sine', c="blue")
plt.plot(x_values, A_cos, label='Cosine', c="red")

# axis labels and title:
plt.xlabel("x (distance in radians)")
plt.title("Filter the noise signal")

# shows a legend:
plt.legend(loc="best")          # finalizes the plot
fig.savefig("my_plot4.pdf", dpi=120)

Advice: Matplotlib commands can grow big very quickly. It’s therefore often usefull to plug these commands into a function definition in order to keep your script readable and especially when you need to repeat your plot command(s) several times within your script.

Exercise 3: Reading real world data

  1. Download the data folder “Data/Pandas_3” from the GitHub repository (if not already done).
  2. Write a script, the reads the file “mouse_1_odorA_3_results.xlsx” into a Pandas DataFrame.
  3. Iterate over the keys of the DataFrame (here called df) via

    for key in df.keys():
      plt.plot(time, df[key])

    and plot each column of the read Excel file data into one figure. Set an appropriate titel and x- and y-labels. Use the sample frequency sampling_rate = 30.1 (unit: [1/s]) to construct the corresponding time array:

    time = np.arange(df.shape[0]) / sampling_rate
  4. Visit the documentation website of the scipy.signal.medfilt and read how to apply a 1D median filter to a given data array. Apply this filter to each column of the data and plot the filtered results into a new figure.
# Your solution 3.2-3.3 here:


Toggle solution
# Solution 3.2-3.3:
import pandas as pd
import os

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal

"""Define file paths:"""
file_path = "Data/Pandas_2/"
file_name = "ROI_table.xlsx"
file_1 = os.path.join(file_path, file_name)

""" Read the Excel files with Pandas into a Pandas Dataframe:"""
#df = pd.read_excel(file_1, engine='openpyxl')
sheet_to_read = "Tabelle1"
df = pd.read_excel(file_1, index_col=0, sheet_name=sheet_to_read)
sampling_rate = 30.1
time = np.arange(df.shape[0])/sampling_rate

for key in df.keys():
    plt.plot(time, df[key])
plt.title("raw data")
plt.xlabel("time []s")
plt.savefig(file_1 + "raw.pdf")

# Your solution 3.4 here:


Toggle solution
# Solution 3.4:
fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 4))
for key in df.keys():
    plt.plot(time, signal.medfilt(df[key], kernel_size=9))
plt.title("median filtered data")
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
plt.savefig(file_1 + "median filtered.pdf")


(2000, 38)

# Alternative solution:


Toggle alternative solution
# Pre-calculate (and save) median filtered data:

df_medianfiltered = np.zeros(df.shape) #This is not a DataFrame
                                       # any more, but a NUMPY
                                       # arrays

for column, key in enumerate(df.keys()):
    #print(f"column: {column}, key: {key}")
    df_medianfiltered[:, column] = \
           signal.medfilt(df[key], kernel_size=9)

fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 4))
for column, key in enumerate(df.keys()):
    #df_medianfiltered[:, column] = \
    #       signal.medfilt(df[key], kernel_size=9)
    plt.plot(time, df_medianfiltered[:, column])
plt.title("median filtered data (alternative)")
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
plt.savefig(file_1 + "median filtered (alt).pdf")

Example for exporting a Pandas DataFrame into an Excel file:

# Example for exporting our processed data into a new Excel file:
df_medianfiltered_out_df = pd.DataFrame(data=df_medianfiltered)
"""Note, for initial call of '.to_excel' you need to install
   the package/module 'xlwt' """
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
0 1979.681 4476.209 2814.321 2416.224 1648.606 1449.719 1744.611 2119.442 1305.099 3221.120 ... 3221.120 2468.984 1750.352 1649.530 2833.220 1282.657 1231.136 3042.830 2108.877 1966.602
1 2007.620 4476.209 2838.231 2425.859 1648.606 1606.934 1886.981 2251.333 1305.119 3336.423 ... 3336.423 2477.631 1854.227 1785.687 3217.644 1435.793 1374.950 3142.866 2266.636 1966.602
2 2079.598 4476.209 2866.485 2520.453 1648.606 1606.934 1938.510 2251.333 1340.275 3628.556 ... 3628.556 2508.199 1875.356 1785.687 3231.953 1457.536 1374.950 3142.866 2266.829 2029.088
3 2079.598 4476.209 2946.522 2522.406 1737.614 1618.653 2003.899 2321.433 1357.278 3760.244 ... 3760.244 2516.503 1875.356 1807.257 3269.945 1500.843 1425.907 3142.866 2283.250 2029.088
4 2079.598 4589.748 2948.629 2625.568 1737.614 1618.653 2086.211 2424.808 1419.689 4031.759 ... 4031.759 2575.812 1875.356 1852.093 3296.585 1500.843 1500.500 3142.866 2334.456 2029.088
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
1995 1659.978 1988.962 2204.836 1856.755 1084.831 1065.796 1785.423 1737.096 982.970 1787.830 ... 1787.830 2002.620 1782.898 1908.837 2551.720 1140.593 1198.836 1228.652 1450.763 1504.574
1996 1623.542 1988.962 2187.248 1768.047 1008.979 1058.442 1749.308 1737.096 982.970 1787.830 ... 1787.830 2002.620 1760.417 1908.837 2551.720 1022.057 1198.836 1207.696 1450.763 1504.574
1997 1585.314 1981.024 2127.415 1768.047 993.758 1018.179 1749.308 1737.096 970.974 1697.901 ... 1697.901 1934.899 1760.417 1908.837 2551.720 1018.071 1198.836 1193.161 1421.070 1357.963
1998 1581.983 1874.429 2110.344 1757.333 993.106 1018.179 1660.389 1737.096 957.219 1690.157 ... 1690.157 1934.899 1760.417 1908.837 2546.767 1010.943 1084.129 1185.286 1421.070 1323.653
1999 1333.852 1786.643 2025.873 1757.333 936.424 1002.555 1660.389 1737.096 874.662 1658.114 ... 1658.114 1934.899 1733.292 1836.423 2472.458 1010.943 962.400 1105.598 1385.715 1323.653

2000 rows × 38 columns

Grand average

# for the sake of curiosity, let's plot the Grand Average:
fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 4))
for column, key in enumerate(df.keys()):
    plt.plot(time, df_medianfiltered[:, column])
plt.plot(time, df_medianfiltered.mean(axis=1), 'k', lw=5)
plt.title("median filtered data (alternative 2)")
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
plt.savefig(file_1 + "median filtered (alt 2).pdf")


Another alternative solution would look like as follows, but at the moment I do not understand, why the medians look so different compared to the previous calculations?!

# Another alternative solution to 3.4:


Toggle another alternative solution
# Solution 3.4 (Alternative 2):
# Pre-calculate (and save) median filtered data:

df_medianfiltered_3 = signal.medfilt(df, kernel_size=9)
#This is not a DataFrame any more, but a NUMPY array

fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 4))
for column in range(df_medianfiltered_3.shape[1]):
    plt.plot(time, df_medianfiltered_3[:, column])
plt.plot(time, df_medianfiltered_3.mean(axis=1), 'k', lw=5)
plt.title("median filtered data (alternative 2)")
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
plt.savefig(file_1 + "median filtered (alt 2).pdf")

Exercise 4: Apply your filter function to real world data (Exercise 3 continued)

  1. Apply the my_filter function, that we have written above, to the data read in Exercise 3 and plot, again, the results into a new figure.
  2. Save each of your three figures (those from Exercise 3 including) into a separate PDF file.
# Your solution 4 here:


Toggle solution
# Solution 4:

# recap our previous designed filter-function:
def my_filter(sampling_freq, cutoff_freq,
              filter_order, input_signal, kind):
    """ Function for optionally high- or low-pass
        filter a given input signal

        sampling_freq: Sampling frequency
        cutoff_freq:   Cut-off frequency of the filter
        filter_order:  Order of the filter
        input_signal:  Signal to filter
        kind:          "high" or "low"
    fc = cutoff_freq
    fs = sampling_freq

    w = fc / (fs / 2)  # Normalize the frequency
    b, a = signal.butter(filter_order, w, kind)

    # filtering the signal
    filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, input_signal)

    return filtered

fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 4))
for key in df.keys():
    current_signal = my_filter(sampling_freq = sampling_rate, 
                               cutoff_freq = 0.5, 
                               filter_order = 10,
                               input_signal = df[key], 
                               kind = "low")
    plt.plot(time, current_signal)
plt.title("low pass filtered data")
plt.xlabel("time [s]")
plt.savefig(file_1 + "low-pass filtered.pdf")

Exercise 5: Batch file processing

Now, and instead of reading each Excel manually, use the following command to scan for all Excel files in the downloaded folder:

file_name = [f for f in os.listdir(file_path) if f.endswith('.xlsx')]

Copy your solutions from above into a new script. Change the new script in that way, that it iterates over all scanned file names in file_name, starting from the Pandas reading part. Play a bit around, to see, what is contained in file_name.

Hint: The automatized reading of the filenames now requires an iteration of your pipeline within a for-loop.

# Your solution 5 here:

['ROI_table.xlsx', 'ROI_table_1.xlsx', 'ROI_table_5.xlsx', 'ROI_table_4.xlsx', 'ROI_table_3.xlsx', 'ROI_table_2.xlsx']




Note that we show the result of only one Excel file here.

Toggle solution
# Solution 5 (full script):
import pandas as pd
import os
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal

"""Define file paths:"""
file_path = "Data/Pandas_2/"
file_name = [f for f in os.listdir(file_path) if f.endswith('.xlsx')]
sheet_to_read = "Tabelle1"


def my_filter(sampling_freq, cutoff_freq,
              filter_order, input_signal, kind):
    """ Function for optionally high- or low-pass
        filter a given input signal

        sampling_freq: Sampling frequency
        cutoff_freq:   Cut-off frequency of the filter
        filter_order:  Order of the filter
        input_signal:  Signal to filter
        kind:          "high" or "low"
    fc = cutoff_freq
    fs = sampling_freq

    w = fc / (fs / 2)  # Normalize the frequency
    b, a = signal.butter(filter_order, w, kind)

    # filtering the signal
    filtered = signal.filtfilt(b, a, input_signal)

    return filtered

""" Read the Excel files with Pandas into a Pandas Dataframe:"""
sampling_rate = 30.1 # in Hertz [1/s]

#for file in file_name:  # uncomment this line for a full run
for file in [file_name[2]]:

    # read the current Excle file:
    current_file = os.path.join(file_path, file)
    df = pd.read_excel(current_file, index_col=0, 
    #df = pd.read_excel(current_file, engine='openpyxl')

    # calculate the current time-array:
    time = np.arange(df.shape[0]) / sampling_rate

    # plots:
    fig = plt.figure(1, figsize=(10, 4))
    for key in df.keys():
        plt.plot(time, df[key])
    plt.title(f"raw data {file}")
    plt.xlabel("time [s]")
    plt.savefig(file_path + file + "raw.pdf")

    fig = plt.figure(2, figsize=(10, 4))
    for key in df.keys():
        plt.plot(time, signal.medfilt(df[key], kernel_size=9))
    plt.title(f"median filtered data {file}")
    plt.xlabel("time [s]")
    plt.savefig(file_path + file + "median filtered.pdf")

    fig = plt.figure(3, figsize=(10, 4))
    for key in df.keys():
        current_signal = my_filter(sampling_freq=sampling_rate, 
                                   cutoff_freq=0.5, filter_order=10,
                                   input_signal=df[key], kind="low")
        plt.plot(time, current_signal)
    plt.title(f"low-pass filtered data {file}")
    plt.xlabel("time [s]")
    plt.savefig(file_path+file+"low pass filtered.pdf")


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