Chapter 9: Function definitions
The function definitionPermalink
The concept of functions is probably one of the most important in mathematics. In programming languages, too, functions are often used to convert mathematical functions into algorithms. Such a function calculates one or more values and is completely dependent on the input values transferred, the so-called arguments. Beyond the mathematical scope, functions can also be use to fulfill a certain functionality or operation. E.g., it can be very useful to define some parts of your code as a function, if you have to use these parts repeatedly and/or are of complex structure. The general structure of a function definition in Python is as follows:
def function_name(argument_list):
commands(using elements of the argument_list)
return some_variable
# e.g.:
def my_function(x,y):
return sum
can be any name you want to give your function. Avoid to use names, which are identical to Python’s built-in function names (list
, …)argument_list
is a list of one or more variables, that are passed to the function. E.g., in maths, this concept would correspond to y=y(x), y a function of x, while x is theargument_list
. Theargument_list
can of course contain more than one parameter, similar to, e.g., y=y(x,t,r,...).commands
are commands, that are executed within and only within the function (encapsulated) and can use the input parameter from theargument_list
.- whatever has been calculated or processed inside the function can be returned with variables provided after the
command at the end of the function. If you have nothing to return back to your main script, you can skip this point.
Note: The function has to be defined prior to its first call within your script!
Note: Avoid to use identical names for variables in your argument list and for variables in your script. This is not prohibited and Python can handle that, but your code can mess-up very quickly and you quickly lose track of your defined and (somewhere else) processed variables.
Note: As for for-loops and if-conditions, Python relies on indentation (whitespace at the beginning of a line) to define the scope of a code block in your code.
Let’s apply this concept to the last example from the if-conditions chapter:
new_number_list = list(range(0,22,1))
threshold = 10
for number in new_number_list:
if number>threshold:
print(f"match! {number} is greater than {threshold}.")
print(f"{number} is below the threshold {threshold}!")
We want to encapsulate the operation of checking the threshold-condition within a new function threshold_checker
# the new function definition:
def threshold_checker(value, threshold):
if value>threshold:
print(f"match! {value} is greater than {threshold}.")
print(f"{value} is below the threshold {threshold}!")
new_number_list = list(range(0,22,1))
threshold_to_check = 10
for number in new_number_list:
threshold_checker(number, threshold_to_check)
0 is below the threshold 10!
1 is below the threshold 10!
2 is below the threshold 10!
3 is below the threshold 10!
4 is below the threshold 10!
5 is below the threshold 10!
6 is below the threshold 10!
7 is below the threshold 10!
8 is below the threshold 10!
9 is below the threshold 10!
10 is below the threshold 10!
match! 11 is greater than 10.
match! 12 is greater than 10.
match! 13 is greater than 10.
match! 14 is greater than 10.
match! 15 is greater than 10.
match! 16 is greater than 10.
match! 17 is greater than 10.
match! 18 is greater than 10.
match! 19 is greater than 10.
match! 20 is greater than 10.
match! 21 is greater than 10.
# re-run with a different threshold:
threshold_to_check = 15
for number in new_number_list:
threshold_checker(number, threshold_to_check)
0 is below the threshold 15!
1 is below the threshold 15!
2 is below the threshold 15!
3 is below the threshold 15!
4 is below the threshold 15!
5 is below the threshold 15!
6 is below the threshold 15!
7 is below the threshold 15!
8 is below the threshold 15!
9 is below the threshold 15!
10 is below the threshold 15!
11 is below the threshold 15!
12 is below the threshold 15!
13 is below the threshold 15!
14 is below the threshold 15!
15 is below the threshold 15!
match! 16 is greater than 15.
match! 17 is greater than 15.
match! 18 is greater than 15.
match! 19 is greater than 15.
match! 20 is greater than 15.
match! 21 is greater than 15.
# re-run with a different number list:
new_number_list_2 = list(range(10,35,1))
threshold_to_check = 15
for number in new_number_list_2:
threshold_checker(number, threshold_to_check)
Exercise 1Permalink
- Re-write the
function, so that it also contains and executes the for-loop. The argument value is then a list of numbers (thenew_number_list
) and no longer a single value.
# Your solution here:
Toggle solution
# Solution:
# the new function definition:
def threshold_checker_for_lists(inputlist, threshold):
for value in inputlist:
if value>threshold:
print(f"match! {value} is greater than {threshold}.")
print(f"{value} is below the threshold {threshold}!")
new_number_list = list(range(0,22,1))
new_number_list_2= list(range(10,35,1))
new_number_list_3= list(range(35,40,1))
threshold_to_check = 10
threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list, threshold_to_check)
# you can also plug in numbers directly:
threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list, 18)
# but has disadvantages (e.g. when you want to change the
# threshold )
# what "disadvantage" means:
#threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list, 30)
#threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list_2, 30)
#threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list_3, 31)
threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list, threshold_to_check)
threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list_2, threshold_to_check)
threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list_3, threshold_to_check)
# another way to call your function:
#inputlist, threshold
Expand your new function, so that it
- remembers the first occurrence of a positive threshold-check, and
- returns that value to your main script, that prints it out there.
- To validate your function, change the range of your input list to
new_number_list = list(range(3,22,1))
0: 9 is below the threshold 10!
1: 10 is below the threshold 10!
2: match! 11 is greater than 10.
3: match! 12 is greater than 10.
4: match! 13 is greater than 10.
5: match! 14 is greater than 10.
6: match! 15 is greater than 10.
7: match! 16 is greater than 10.
8: match! 17 is greater than 10.
9: match! 18 is greater than 10.
10: match! 19 is greater than 10.
11: match! 20 is greater than 10.
12: match! 21 is greater than 10.
first threshold-check at index 2
Toggle solution
# Solution:
# the modified function definition:
def threshold_checker_for_lists(inputlist, threshold):
first_occurrence = -1 # -1 acts as a place holder/initial
# value
for index in range(len(inputlist)):
if inputlist[index]>threshold:
print(f"{index}: match! {inputlist[index]} is "
f"greater than {threshold}.")
if first_occurrence==-1:
print(f"{index}: {inputlist[index]} is below the "
f"threshold {threshold}!")
return first_occurrence
new_number_list = list(range(9,22,1))
threshold_to_check = 10
result = threshold_checker_for_lists(new_number_list, \
print(f"first threshold-check at index {result}")
Exercise 2Permalink
Write a function, that converts temperatures T from Fahrenheit ([F]) to Celsius ([°C]). The formula for the conversion is:
T[∘C]=59∗(T[F]−32)# Your solution here:
Toggle solution
# Solution:
def fahrenheit_to_celsius(temp_in_fahrenheit):
This function converts an input temperature in
Fahrenheit to Celsius.
temp_in_fahrenheit - input temperature [F]
temp_in_celsius - temperature [°C]
temp_in_celsius = 5/9 * (temp_in_fahrenheit- 32)
return temp_in_celsius
def celsius_to_fahrenheit(temp_in_celsius):
This function converts an input temperature in Celsius
to Fahrenheit
temp_in_celsius - input temperature [°C]
temp_in_fahrenheit - temperature [F]
temp_in_fahrenheit = 9/5 * (temp_in_celsius) + 32
return temp_in_fahrenheit
Into: Note the discrepancy of the two results. One reason is the internal precision of the defined/used variable types, due to which rounding errors can occur. Later we will learn, how to change the precision of a variable type with NumPy.
Exercise 3Permalink
Write a function product
, that multiplies all numbers of a given number-list. Apply your function to the list list1=[4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32, 28, 24, -1]
# Your solution here:
Toggle solution
# Solution:
def product(inputlist):
"""Calculates the product of a given number-list"""
result = 1 # again, we need an initialization of the later result variable
for index in range(0,len(inputlist)):
result = result * inputlist[index]
return result
list1=[4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 32, 28, -24, -1]
Exercise 4Permalink
Write a function, that finds the maximum value of a given list. Apply your function to the list defined in Exercise 2. Extra: Also print out the index of the maximum value.
# Your solution here:
maximum: 40, at index: 4
Toggle solution
# Solution:
def max(inputlist):
index_of_max = 0
maximum = inputlist[index_of_max]
# maximum = inputlist[0]
#index_of_max = 0
for index in range(1,len(inputlist)):
if inputlist[index] > maximum:
maximum = inputlist[index]
index_of_max = index
return maximum, index_of_max
list1=[4, 8, 12, 16, 40, 32, 28, -24, -1]
current_max, current_max_index = max(list1) # one possible
# output format
#(current_max, current_max_index) = max(list1) # also okay
print(f"maximum: {current_max}, at index: {current_max_index} ")
The *args variable in function definitionsPermalink
There are very often cases in which the number of arguments required for the call of a function is not known a priori. E.g.:
#Example 1:
def test_static_args(arg1, arg2, arg3):
print("arg1:", arg1)
print("arg2:", arg2)
print("arg3:", arg3)
print(test_static_args(1, 'word', 'word 2'))
arg1: 1
arg2: word
arg3: word 2
Works as defined. But what if you need to add another argument or less then two?
# e.g.:
print(test_static_args(1, 'word'))
To overcome this problem we can use a so-called tuple reference, which is preceded by * and put at the end of the argument list:
#Example 2:
def test_var_args(f_arg, *args):
print("first normal arg:", f_arg)
for counter, arg in enumerate(args, 1):
print(f"{counter}. optional arg: {arg}")
return 'end.'
print(test_var_args(1, 'i am optional 1', 'optional 2'))
first normal arg: 1
1. optional arg: i am optional 1
2. optional arg: optional 2
print(test_var_args(1, 'only 1 optional'))
first normal arg: 1
1. optional arg: only 1 optional
first normal arg: 1
print(test_var_args('fixed', '1', '2', '3', '4'))
first normal arg: fixed
1. optional arg: 1
2. optional arg: 2
3. optional arg: 3
4. optional arg: 4
You can even skip the standard argument (which is otherwise always required) and work just with *args
#Example 3:
def test_var_args2(*args):
for counter, arg in enumerate(args, 1):
print(f"{counter}. optional arg: {arg}")
return 'end.'
print(test_var_args2(1, 'word', 5))
1. optional arg: 1
2. optional arg: word
3. optional arg: 5
print(test_var_args2(1, 'word'))
4. optional arg: 1
5. optional arg: word
With *args
, we are no longer passing a list to the function, but several different positional arguments. The function takes all the arguments that are provided in the input and packs them all into a single iterable object named args
. args
is just a name, you can choose any other name that you prefer.
The *kwargs variable in function definitionsPermalink
works just like *args
, but instead of accepting positional arguments it accepts keyword (named) arguments (like dictionaries). E.g.:
#Example 1:
def my_concatenate1(**kwargs):
result = ""
# Iterating over the keys' values of the kwargs dictionary:
for value in kwargs.values():
result += value
return result
print(my_concatenate1(word1="Somewhere ", word2="over ", word3="the ", word4="rainbow."))
Somewhere over the rainbow.
#Example 2:
def my_concatenate2(**kwargs):
result = ""
# Iterating over the keys of the kwargs dictionary:
for key in kwargs:
result += key
return result
print(my_concatenate2(word1="Somewhere ", word2="over ", word3="the ", word4="rainbow."))
or combine keyword with its corresponding value:
#Example 3:
def my_kwargs_printer(**kwargs):
result = ""
# Iterating over the keys and values of the kwargs dictionary:
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"the key {key} has the value {value}.")
return 'done.'
print(my_kwargs_printer(word1="Somewhere ", word2="over ", word3="the ", word4="rainbow."))
the key word1 has the value Somewhere .
the key word2 has the value over .
the key word3 has the value the .
the key word4 has the value rainbow..
Also here, kwargs
is just a name that can be changed to whatever you want to.
And of course you can combine standard arguments with *args
and *kwargs
, just keep the following order:
- standard arguments
- *args arguments
- **kwargs arguments
Predefined optional function argumentsPermalink
Another very useful and handy way, to define optional arguments of a function are predefined, but still optional arguments. By assigning an initial value to an argument in the argument list converts that specific argument automatically to an optional, but predefined argument:
# Example:
def my_func(x, y=5):
print(f"x:{x}, y:{y}")
Here, x
is a standard argument that must be provided in any call of the function. y=5
is the optional, predefined argument with the initial value 7. You can call the function in different, equivalent ways:
my_func(7, 8) # means, x=7, y=8
x:7, y:8
You can even write the argument’s name within the function call, so that the assignment of each value to a specific argument becomes even more clear:
my_func(7, y=8)
my_func(x=7, y=8)
my_func(y=8, x=7) # by "naming" each argument,
# you can even re-order the input arguments
x:7, y:8
x:7, y:8
x:7, y:8
x:19, y:5
Leaving the optional parameter y
unassigned will cause the function to use its predefined value:
x:7, y:5
But leaving the standard argument (x
) will cause an error:
With predefined, but still optional arguments you are more flexible in the way you use your optionally assigned arguments (e.g. when you prototype your function or if you want to keep your main routine flexible and modular).