Fiji Short Course

Description: A short introductory course on using Fiji for Ca2+ images.

Next course time: --
Venue: --

duration: approx. 1 h
course held in: 2021, 2020
published: August 24, 2021

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Current announcements

Nothing a the moment.

Course requirements

  • a laptop or desktop computer (no specific requirements except an interntet conncetion) a computer will be provided on-site
  • a working Fiji installation; before the course starts, please make sure, that Fiji is working on your device (we can not provide installation or technical assistance during the course); find further information about Fiji on this website
  • a working spreadsheet tool (e.g., LibreOffice , Google Sheets , Excel , Office 365 , or Numbers )
  • please, download at least one of the two data sets provided in this Nextcloud folder


Manual Ca2+ signal extraction with Fiji and a spreadsheet tool

Past courses

  • 2021, August: 5th BIGS Summer School
  • 2020, November: BIGS lecture (BIGS module 28)

This course material is under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).
